EFT Consultant

EFT practice


What is EFT?

Emotional freedom technique is an alternative treatment to manage pain, psychological distress, anxiety and other negative emotions, often referred to as psychological acupressure it works by tapping on meridian points linked to the rest and repair state of your system whilst thinking about or saying out loud things we would like to change.

When we tap on meridian points we balance our energy creating health benefits. Whilst the techniques are easy to learn and do it yourself working with a therapist who can tailor the work individually to you seems to have better results. At the same time, it is also a strategy you can use in the long term to stay well, free of anxiety/ pain/ negative emotions. 

Conditions addressed:

• Anxiety Based Disorders (including panic attacks)
• Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
• Phobias
• Abuse (verbal, physical and sexual)
• Rape and Sexual Assault
• Self-esteem and Confidence Building
• Anger Management
• Depression
• Performance Enhancement
• Relationship Counselling


EFT Consultant: Using Emotional Freedom Technique to Treat Distress and Enhance Emotional Resources

What is it used for? 

I use EFT to treat troubling symptoms such as anxiety, stress, depression, guilt, anger, prolonged grief and other acute or chronic forms of distress. It is the most researched treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. EFR can also be used to enhance emotional resources such as confidence and self-esteem and is a particularly effective performance enhancement tool for people who are already high achievers.

What happens in a session? 

During an EFT session, we tap on meridian points we balance our energy creating health benefit. During the session I’ll ask you to tap at different points on the body, while repeating affirming statements to combat negative beliefs you hold about yourself, fears or worries that are troubling you.


 The history of EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) was developed in California in the 1990s, by Gary Craig, a Stanford University Engineer, who worked for an organisation called Thought Field Therapy. The technique was designed to combat stress, anxiety, pain and sleeping and eating problems by using a combination of mantras and pressure-points.

Most recently Prince Harry has brought wider awareness to the benefits of EFT and EMDR when he shared his use of tapping to process his own personal trauma.